The Walking Program

As is turns out, fitness research has determined that walking is one of the best forms of exercise for keeping fit and losing weight. And it’s not so stressful on your body! Okay, well we knew that, but it’s nice to have science on our side, too. Sacfit offers a great walking program for beginners and season veterans.

Beginning Walkers

For our beginners, we provide a training program with workouts that gradually increase each week to promote success as well as reduces injuries. We tailor individualized programs that allow you to go at your own pace. And rather than focusing on miles, our beginning team members workout based on timed walks (miles are so overrated). Since there are no miles to worry about, you just begin your walk and when half the allotted time has passed, you turn around and return back.

Experienced Walkers

For our intermediate and advanced walkers, our training program is geared toward a number of options to choose from, be it better fitness, training for a particular race distance or time goal, or even transitioning from walking to running. And with each program, we provide the coaching, tools and encouragement to inspire our walkers and transitioning runners to test their new found fitness and abilities at any of the numerous Springtime regional races.

All these factors contribute toward the ultimate goal of improving fitness, speed, and endurance for any race goals you might have. But in keeping with the Sacfit philosophy, all of our programs are also designed to keep the process of getting fit a fun, enjoyable, and interesting endeavor. After all, if it’s not fun, what’s the point?


Online registration for our 2025 Winter/Spring  Training Program is now open.

Parkway Trail Pictures:

Above are pictures taken along the American River Parkway. These particular shots were all taken from the Half Marathon courses.

Typical Weekly Schedule

All Sacfit programs are designed to consider the busy schedules of our lives. While some adjustment and priority must be made for any new undertaking, our programs ensure that you will not be consumed by workouts. Following is our typical weekly schedule:

  • Monday – Recovery Workout
  • Tuesday – Specialized Workout – Hill Repeats, Stairs, and Intervals
  • Wednesday – Rest Day
  • Thursday – Specialized Workout – Pace and Tempo
  • Saturday – Long workout
  • Sunday – Rest day

The mid-week workouts consist of 20- to 30-minute walks. These workouts increase in time and distance over the season. For Tuesdays, we provide supervised workouts for hill repeats, stairs, and track workouts, and for Thursdays, we offer supervised workouts for pace and tempo workouts.

The Saturday morning workout is the “long” walk – typically a 30 to 45-minute walk to start the program and then gradually increasing in duration each following week.

Click here for more details

Pace Groups – Sacfit’s unique training element!

The most important component to sensible and safe training is balance where the right about of challenge is complemented by a measured dose of temperance. And that begins with finding the right training paces. In order to find the right training pace for you, we conduct a Pace-finder walk. The Pace-finder walk is not a race. Rather, it is easygoing walk at a pace that is comfortable enough for you to carry on a conversation.

As you complete your walk – anywhere from one to two miles, you record your time and a few vitals like your pulse. From this information, we calculate your pace group, which we assign as color groups – Red, Purple or Magenta for walkers or run/race walkers. And from there the fun begins…